With vision being an important aspect in everyday living, people are encouraged to take proper care of their eyes. Eye care is not limited to having consultations with optometrists or ophthalmologists. Some of the basic steps on how to care for the eyes include:
Palming. Palming is a fantastic relaxation technique that relaxes the eye muscles. It is done by rubbing the hands together to warm them, and then covering the eyes with the palms for several minutes.
Dr. Hitesh K. Patel of EdisonImage credit: life.familyeducation.com |
Dr. Hitesh K. Patel of Edison treats severe eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy, in addition to performing regular eye checkups. He is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.
Eye focus. According to experts, the eyes should not be fixated to a single subject for a long period of time. This usually happens when people are using the computer or when reading a book. Experts suggest that every 45-60 minutes, people should look at other subjects just to give the eyes a quick rest.
Dr. Hitesh K. Patel of Edison Image credit: logodesignworks.com |
Health. The eyes, much like the other parts of the body, need their corresponding vitamins and minerals. Some of the vitamins that are said to be beneficial to the eyes are Vitamins C, A, and E, and folic acid, selenium, and zinc.
Cleanliness. Particularly those who are wearing contact lenses, people are advised to always rinse them with the proper solution to ensure that no or foreign body will get to their eyes.
Dr. Hitesh K. Patel of EdisonImage credit: pateleyeassociates.com |